Wednesday, July 31, 2019

AIDS Article

The article is written by a gay man, who lost his first partner to AIDS and dedicated himself to spreading information about HIV prevention and campaigning for governmental attention to the problem in order to save ‘other gay and bisexual men from losing the ones they love’ (Williams, 2006, para. 6).Clark Williams also served as the interim executive director of the Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center at the moment of the article’s release and as a manager of county’s HIV prevention, counseling, and testing initiatves in 2001-2003.The article reports the LGBT community of Santa Clara County joining other concerned citizens at a meeting where the county’s Board of Supervisors Chair promised to attract additional financial resources to strengthen public health system in the face of accelerating rate of HIV transmission.The focus of the effort should be prevention and early diagnosis. The article recalls the start of HIV/AIDS epidemic that was first reg arded as a rare form of cancer endangering gay and bisexual male New Yorkers. In 2006, the number of Americans who died from AIDS reached 550,000 and continued to grow. Approximately 40,000 citizens are getting infected with HIV every year.Santa Clara County, for its part, has lost 2,000 residents to the disease. More than 2,500 were living with HIV/AIDS; this number might have been considerably higher because one in three citizens having HIV remains undiagnosed. 80 percent of new infections with the virus in Santa Clara County were among gay and bisexual males.Santa Clara County is reported as being ‘near the heart of our nation's HIV/AIDS epidemic’ (Williams, 2006, para. 5). Apart from focusing on the human tragedy of living with HIV diagnosis or loosing a friend, a family member, a colleague, or a neighbor to the disease, the article discusses the problem of HIV/AIDS through the prism of financial burden on the county’s social security system.Lifetime cost of HIV treatment is estimated to be as high as $155,000 per patient. These costs are much higher if the disease is not diagnosed at early stages, which is often the case in Santa Clara County, where patients learn about their HIV status in an emergency room.However, the author notes several positive developments in the field of public health, such as risk reduction counseling to people living with HIV/AIDS and public HIV test counseling locations. Santa Clara County is compared with San Francisco, where HIV test counseling facilities are abundant. In Santa Clara County, there is only one public testing facility, despite the fact that the number of LGBT is over 100,000 in the area.The Billy DeFrank LGBT Community Center is deemed as the most appropriate place to establish another full-time test counseling facility, since it is known for its excellence in providing HIV prevention to at-risk population.One additional testing facility will not solve the problem in the county. It is not onl y LGBT population that is especially affected by the spread of HIV/AIDS. Other vulnerable groups include ethnic minorities, homeless and runaway youth, and drug addicts. Therefore, five part-time testing centers should be opened across Santa Clara County.One of the main strengths of the article is the fact that it is written from an insider’s perspective. Rapport between the author and readers is immediately established when Clark Williams shares his personal tragedy of loosing his loved once to AIDS.However, emotional pathos is not the main component of the writer’s credibility: Williams is a leader of Santa Clara County’s LGBT community, knowledgeable of the actual Status Quo with regard to HIV/AIDS prevention and counseling.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Attentional Blink

INTRODUCTION The Attentional Blink Experiment aims to determine the capability of an individual to recognize both the targets given that he or she is subjected to rapidly changing stimuli. Moreover, the theory states that after the detection of the first target in a rapid stream of visual stimuli, the second target is missed (Niewenstain, Potter, & Theeuwes, 2009). Hence, the experiment means to prove whether attentional blink is present in the experiment and if the theory is correct.Furthermore, the suggested hypothesis for this experiment is that the higher separation of the two targets with each other will increase the probability of discriminating and reporting the second target with respect to the first. In addition, the experiment was conducted inside the ergonomics laboratory at the Science and Technology research building on February 5, 2013 using the Wadsworth Coglab program application. It was done at only one site to ensure the consistency of the environment. Also, each te st consisted of 100 trials. I. PROBLEM STATEMENT Attentional blink is present between targets of short separation.II. OBJECTIVES 1. Aims to confirm the presence of attention blink in the different subjects. 2. Aims to show that the percentage reported for the 2nd target increases as the separation of the two targets increases through the use of statistical analysis. 3. To identify improvements for the report of the second target in the stimulus presentation, assuming the theory is correct. III. METHODOLOGY A. Selection of Subjects The minimum required subjects was fifteen subjects which consists of the students of the present Ergcog2 laboratory class, and they were asked to answer the attention blink experiment honestly.The group decided to add additional of 10 subjects outside of DLSU with the same conditions given to the first fifteen subjects in the class. This was done for the reason that more data leads to more consistent and less biased results. There was no particular reason nor criteria used in choosing the subjects. They were chosen out of convenience. Apparently, the subjects chosen were composed of both male and female and all subjects were in between the ages of 18-22 years old. B. Experiment Proper 1. Fifteen subjects (from the class) and ten subjects (outside DLSU) were chosen to answer the experiment on attention blink.They were chosen using convenience sampling distribution. 2. There are two trials in this experiment and the group considered this factor. Trial 1: Subjects took the experiment without being distracted. Trial 2: Subjects took the experiment while being disturbed during the whole experimental period. Subjects were having simultaneous conversation during the whole experiment. 3. The software is activated. Pressing the spacebar indicates the start of the first trial where a sequence of letters appears. Each letter in the sequence is only flashed for 100 milliseconds. 4.The task of the subjects is to determine if letter J, letter K, o r both letters were flashed in each sequence. 5. The subject presses the â€Å"J† and â€Å"K† keys to indicate that the letters â€Å"J† and â€Å"K† were flashed in the sequence respectively. The subject can also press both â€Å"J† and â€Å"K† keys if he/she believes that both letters were flashed. 6. The keys that were pressed by the subjects are flashed immediately in the screen for the subjects to be able to check whether the software was able to receive the information correctly or not. 7. Space bar is pressed by the subject to proceed to the next trial. . After the 100 trials, a window appears which shows the graphical result of the test that was done by the subject. The graph shows the rate of how the subjects were able to detect the targets due to how the targets were separated. 9. The results were analysed and conclusions and recommendations were made at the end of the experiment. C. Tools Used * Computers with CogLab Software ar e used to run the trials in which data are gathered. D. Possible Causes of Error (Factors) Fatigue of the subjects is a possible cause of error in the experiment.One run is composed of 100 trials, which can be very tiring for the eyes. As a result, the subject’s ability to detect targets may deteriorate at the latter trials of the experiment. Environmental factors can also be a possible cause of error like having noise in the background or having a conversation while doing the test. This is to test whether this kind of factor has a significant effect on the ability of the subject to detect targets. The subjects not taking the attention blink test seriously may also be a possible source of error in the experiment.Some subjects may have just rushed the test. How the subjects would take the experiment is solely dependent on their level of seriousness. IV. RESULTS & DISCUSSION Table 1. Summary of the Mean and Std. Deviation Response on 1st target | Separation target| | 0| 2| 4| 6 | 8| Mean (percent)| 56| 54. 5| 58| 54. 5| 58| Std. Deviation| 11. 7| 13. 4| 17. 2| 15. 5| 19. 6| Figure 1. Percent Response Vs Target Separation for 1st target Table 1 shows that for the first target the average responses for the 5 separation target are near to each other.The results for each target separation might be varied for the subjects as seen in the deviations which are at the range of 11. 7 to 19. 6, but comparing the 5 mean would only result to a standard deviation of 1. 75. This means that the results are almost constant and has minimal deviation. Figure 1 also shows this trend that the % responses for each target separation are near each other. Looking at the results it can also be seen that the subjects can only see 54. 5% to 58% of the 1st target, since fluctuations in the graph is within these range. Table 2. Summary of the Mean and Std.Deviation Response on 2nd target | Separation target| | 0| 2| 4| 6| 8| Mean (percent)| 5. 0| 39. 0| 42. 5| 58. 5| 60. 5| Std. Deviat ion| 6. 2| 16. 6| 11. 4| 11. 6| 15. 7| Figure 2. Percent Response Vs Target Separation for 2nd target Table 2 shows that the percent mean of the responses increases as the target separation increases. Again the results for each target separation also varied for the subjects since the deviation ranges from 6. 2 to 16. 6. But the deviation for the zero separation is not that big compared to the others, since most of the respondents here cannot detect the 2nd target.The deviation for each target separation might be big but the data and Figure 2 would show a linear relationship with between the % response and the target separation of the 2nd target. This means that the respondents are able to detect the 2nd target more as the separation between the two target increases. The % response of the respondents for the 2nd target is from 5% to 60. 5%. Figure 3. Percent Response Vs Target Separation for 1st and 2nd target Figure 3 would show a clearer relationship between the 1st target and the 2nd target.The line for 1st target (blue) would show an almost straight line pattern while the line for the 2nd target (red) would show a line that increases as target separation increases. The graph also shows that for target separation 0 to 4, the 1st target has a higher % response. But when the separation became 6 and 8 the 2nd target is seen more by the respondents. We could also see that the deviation between the 1st and 2nd target decreases as the target separation increases. For the 0 target separation the difference between the two targets are 51% for the 2 sec target separation it became 15. % and the difference becomes smaller as target separation increases. The best result is seen in the 8 sec target separation since 1st target has a 58% response and the 2nd is 60% response the difference between the two is only 2%. In addition, in order to identify the targets better the subject only focuses on the letters â€Å"J† and â€Å"K† and disregards the other lett ers in the series. In fact, this selective nature of perception would lessen the overloading of information. According to Reed (2004), selectivity is defined as the focusing of aspects of attention, wherein the subject pays attention to some aspects while ignores the others.To prove that the attentional blink theory is correct in stating that the first target is unaffected by the separation of the signals. And the second target, on the other hand, shows that the longer the separation period of the first signal to the second, the higher the response (Mackewn & Goldthwaithe, 2004). Regression technique is used to see the relationship between the target separation and % response of the 1st and 2nd target. This would show how the target separation (independent) affects the detection of the target for the 1st and 2nd target (dependent). Table 3.Regression summary for 1st target. N= 50| Beta| Std. Err. of Beta| B| Std. Err. of B| t(48)| p-level| Intercept|   |   | 55. 4| 3. 75| 14. 77 | 0. 00| Separation| 0. 04| 0. 14| 0. 20| 0. 77| 0. 26| 0. 80| The regression summary would show that the separation of the target is not related with the percent response of the 1st target since the p-level of the regression is 0. 80 meaning it is not significant in identifying the value for the 1st target. Table 4. Regression summary for 2nd target. N= 50| Beta| Std. Err. of Beta| B| Std. Err. of B| t(48)| p-level| Intercept|   |   | 15| 3. 9| 4. 18| 0. 00| Separation| 0. 79| 0. 09| 6. 53| 0. 73| 8. 92| 0. 00| The regression summary shows that for the 2nd target the target separation is significant since a p-level of 0. 00 is shown. Therefore, this means that target separation affects the % response for the 2nd target. On the other hand the beta value of 6. 53 shows that as the target separation increases the % response for the 2nd target also increases. The Attentional Capacity Theory Duncan et al. have proposed that T1 occupies attentional capacity to the detriment of a trai ling T2 target.This theory suggests that the duration for which T1 continues to occupy attentional capacity is related directly to the T2 processing difficult (Rochester Institute of Technology). This explains why the 2nd target increases as the separation time increases. It is because the theory states that every person has their own attentional capacity and if separation time is bigger the information processing do not overlap and the two targets are seen by the respondent. This also why the first letter is first seen since it is the one that occupies the person’s attentional capacity first and is first processed by the person.Outside Factors In the conduction of the experiment, although the distraction may have a small effect on the signal detection of the subjects, the results as shown in the graphs make it clear that attentional blink is not affected by the amount of external distraction since it is an internal issue. As mentioned, in trial 2 the subjects were distracted by assigning someone close enough to generate a conversation with them through the whole duration of the experiment. There is no significant difference found in the detection of the targets between being distracted and not.This is because the subjects were observed to say â€Å"ha? † more often than not during the conversation. Having their attention focused on the experiment applies the theory of selective attention wherein one tries to pay attention to one input in the presence of others (Glass & Holyoak, 2004). Visual dominance is another concept that can be seen in the experiment. It can be observed that visual targets dominate over auditory targets (Glass & Holyoak, 2004). This also explains why the subject is more inclined in doing the experiment rather than chatting with the distracter. V. CONCLUSION & RECOMMENDATIONSBased on the results of the experiment, it can be concluded that the theory of attentional blink is correct. The hypothesis made at the beginning could b e verified by the results obtained. These results show that separation does not have a large effect on the probability that the first target would not be detected by the respondents, since the average percentage reported for the first target by the respondent is relatively unaffected by separation. The values were close to each other. On the other hand, average percentage reported for the second target increased as the separation increased.This shows that the hypothesis that the longer the separation between the targets, the higher the chance of getting the targets right is correct. There are less chances of an attentional blink when more letters are in between, since the second letter is delayed. This gives the user a chance to have more accurate results. Although the program was effective in proving that the Attentional Blink Theory is correct, there could still be some improvements that could be done. Since the program has a black background and white letters for the stimuli, a w ay of making the second target easier to detect is to add color or change the background color.According to (Pashler, 1999), the second target could be easier to detect when there is color discrimination. When provided, it seems to cause the blink to virtually disappear because there is a different dimension. Sizes of the letters were the same for all. Biased attention may occur when the contrast and sizes of the targets differ (Proulx & Egeth, 2006). In the research conducted by Proulx and Egeth (2006), objects with better luminance contrast are processed rapidly and precisely compared to lower contrast items. It also shows that larger objects can influence visual performance.In order for the subject to identify the second target, the size of the signals or targets can be made bigger. A sample for this is illustrated below. Based from observation, the respondents made mistakes on entering what letter they saw. The program did not allow the respondent to change his or her answer. A recommendation for the enhancement of the program could be having the function to let the respondent change his or her answer, so that the respondents’ probability of getting the correct answer would increase. This in turn can improve the respondents’ data.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Strategic Management of Next Plc Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 5000 words

Strategic Management of Next Plc - Case Study Example "If only I knew then what I know now, I would have done things differently". (Halbleib, 1993, 803) public constantly makes this statement after they have implemented the incorrect corporate strategies. As we exist in era of entwining complication, acceleration, and ever changing market, making the correct decision is enormously significant for strategic planning. It is fair-haired to state that each organization and individuals have their sole set of strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. "It is extremely vital that an organization determines its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats, as well as the competitors". (Halbleib, 1993, 804) by linking the SWOT examines with the fair scorecard, an association can balance its strengths Boosts its competitions' weaknesses, and optimise its opportunities within the market. Next is a UK based vendor contribution stylish, good quality harvest in clothing, footwear, accessories and home products. The group first and foremost operates in the UK. It is headquartered in Ender by, Leicester, and employs about 39,000 people. The group recorded revenues of 3,283.8 million during the fiscal year ended January 2007, a BOOST of 5.7% over 2006. The operating profit of the group was 507.5 million during fiscal year 2007, a boost of 8.2% over 2006. The net profit was 331.5 million in fiscal year 2007, a boost of 5.7% over 2006. Next's Mission Statement Next's mission is to be the natural choice retailer in the UK for fashion aware men & women who expect style, distinction & quality from their clothing Business Description Next is primarily engaged in vending, and customer excellences management. The group operates 480 stores and has operations in the UK, the Middle East, Asia and other European countries. The group giving its services through five business separations: Next retail, Next directory, Ventura, Next sourcing and other. Other segment includes investment in associates; Choice Discount Stores Limited and Cotton Traders Holdings Limited. The Next trade separation is engaged in the vending of fairly priced clothing for men, women and children. It also sells house wares and furniture through 480 stores in the UK and Eire. This separation also has franchisee stores in Europe, Asia and the Middle East. The group currently has 129 franchise stores in the Middle East, Russia (13 stores), Turkey (5), India and Thailand. The Next directory separation markets women's wear, mens wear, children's wear, home products, accessories and jewellery through direct mail catalogues, phone and a transactional website with more than 2 million active customers. The Ventura separation provides call centre and customer support excellences to NEXT and other companies. It operates across many sectors including telecom, utilities, monetary excellences, travel, media and the public sector. Ventura employs about 10,000 people. It has a call centre in the UK and another call centre in Pine, India, which handles business on behalf of Next Directory and two other clients. The Next sourcing separation has operations in Mainland China, Hong Kong, Romania, Sri Lanka, Turkey, the UK and other locations. It is engaged in the design,

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Final project Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words - 6

Final project - Essay Example The analytical skills and in-depth knowledge about the topic or discipline in question defines a consultant. Similarly, businesses have consultants who specialize in investigating and evaluating business challenges and propose the best solutions and approaches through which they can be curbed. Business consulting has been extensively used as a tool of development and has since transformed many firms. Businesses are becoming more successful through consulting. The approach that business consultants as well as their clients are currently giving consultation is not exactly the same as that of the past. Consulting in business has deep-rooted history as it did not just start the other day. However, there are modifications and changes that have been effected which have undoubtedly benefited the business fraternity. The main difference between the traditional and the new consulting systems is on the approach the two take. The ancient one focused more on the issue or problem at hand while the modern approaches are much more oriented to outcomes. Results matter more than the problem and effectiveness is preferred to efficiency. Business consultants in the contemporary society recognize that giving a single permanent approach to an issue is misleading with the changing times hence tackling an issue as it presents itself is much more tactful and effective. It is this realization that have informed the consultants that whatever the approach or strat egy they used in one organization or company and was successful may not necessarily solve another company’s problems. This is because different factors such organizational structure, human resource and customers’ dynamics, industry and level competition among others (Brooks & Edwards, n.d., p. 24). There are several changes that have been identified in the business consulting framework. The sustainability of business

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Airborne express Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Airborne express - Case Study Example The company should consider acquiring technologies such as Digital Assisted Dispatch Systems (DADS) for the sake of increasing the effectiveness of their operation. Advancement in technology will also mean that they might be able to operate at lower costs. Given the fact that Federal Express has reviewed their pricing policy in the recent past, it will be in order for Airborne Express to do the same with their pricing policies. Federal Express adopted the distance based pricing which saw pricing for delivery being made on the basis of the distance to the point of delivery. Some of their customers have been inquiring about the same. However, it will be prudent for Airborne Express to come up with an offer that is even better than that that is being offered by their competitors. In addition to distance based pricing, the company might consider a pricing system that would see to it that the customers who frequently use their services are charged lower prices. This would imply that the more a customer used their services the more chances they had for paying less for the services. This will enable them to enhance customer loyalty. Another thing that the company needs to consider is taking advantage of the strike that led to the dismal performance by UPS. Given the fact that this is the time when UPS will definitely loss a number of their customers, Airborne should make sure that they are in a position to win them. One thing that the company should do is developing a good customer service that will enable them to know the areas in which their customers wish that they could improve in. This will be beneficial in reaching the expectations of the customers, thus earning their trust and loyalty. This can also lead to positive publicity which will attract new customers. Given the fact that Airborne Express does not pay any charges for landing, they should take advantage of the situation

Juvenile Justice Authority Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Juvenile Justice Authority - Essay Example They have their own courts and their own rehabilitation centres (Fisher 2000). Gies (2001) notes that, the juvenile courts work according to the premise that the children are different from the adults in terms of responsibilities and rehabilitation. Treatment and successful reintegration of the youths in to the society are the main aim of the juvenile justice authority. Under federal law, all children between the age of ten and eighteen are considered as juvenile. Though, each state determine who is to taken to the juvenile court. Cases can be transferred from criminal courts to juvenile court, depending on the offence committed. When a child is tried in a criminal court he or she is still considered a child, and he may be treated as a youth offender. This makes the process a closed hearing unlike an adult who will be given a public hearing. All the states, do allow children to be tried as adults in a criminal court depending with the crime committed, Some states exclude serious, committed crime from juvenile courts regardless of the childs age. The prosecutors decide on whether to find a criminal offence in a criminal court or taken to the juvenile system. On the other hand, the juvenile court may order the child to criminal court. In the juvenile justice, the juvenile is provided with safeguards, just like the adult criminal. This includes the right to trial, the right against self defence and the right to call a witness. In most states the juvenile there are no juries, and they not demand a bail. The juvenile court has been seen by the youth who passed through it as a guardian that models individual characters and the court aimed at providing for the child’s individual interests when making decisions on the crime committed (Ryan 2001). The process by which a chid goes through after a period of confinement has many names like after care services, reintegration services, transitional care and juvenile services. The process of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Should General Electric Appliances Customer Relations use Total Research Paper

Should General Electric Appliances Customer Relations use Total Quality Management Instead of Six Sigma Management - Research Paper Example This definition implies that TQM focuses on continuous improvement by involving people at all levels and looks at all processes at organizational level. It does not focus on just one part of the organization but the entire organization as a whole. It involves integrating the technical systems of an organization with the social systems (Barnes and Pike, 1996). The idea is to achieve total customer, employee and stake holder satisfaction. It follows various principals for leading an organization to ensure continuous improvement. These include Involving employees at all level - This is because a TQM effort cannot be successful if it is propagated from the leadership team without the employees at executive level understanding its implications and working towards executing it. Focus on customer satisfaction Ownership at the lowest levels – Employees at the lowest levels need to take ownership of the TQM initiatives and work as self managed teams (Charantimath, 2003). Team work â₠¬â€œ Success of TQM initiative depends on how well the various teams can coordinate and collaborate with each other as well as within themselves. Competitive benchmarking helps in continuous improvement. Thus, it is vital for a company to measure itself against the best performers of the industry in which it is operating. Company culture is an important element of TQM. Hence, the culture should be developed to instill the quality way of working in all employees (Murray, n. d). TQM uses various tools and models to achieve continuous improvement. Some of the quality improvement tools it uses are – check-sheets, histograms, Pareto charts, Control charts, scatter diagrams, process capability studies and so on (Charantimath, 2003). All these tools help the managers to find opportunities for improvement. Some of these tools are also used to monitor the performance of the process on a continuous basis so that any deviations from expected levels are detected and sorted at the earlies t. Such monitoring also helps managers to analyze the performance and find ways of improvement. Six Sigma Six Sigma approach came far later than the TQM concept. In fact, Six Sigma is an outcome of TQM but its focus area is slightly different. It focuses mainly of defect reduction by reducing variation within a process (Shiba and Walden, 2001). Any reduction in variation of a production or service related process leads to standardized output which means reduction in errors or defects. It provides project focus for people to work on. For this, it uses the DMAIC (Define-Measure-Analyze-Improve-Control) approach to work on a task in a structured way. These are the various stages of a project and help the project leader and other stake holders focus on all aspects of a process which are relevant at the particular stage of a project. Six Sigma provides explicit tools for every stage of the project. Some of the tools are – histograms, fishbone diagrams, paretos, run charts, process control charts and so on. All these tools help the project team in analysis of the data at various stages of the project. Six Sigma verses TQM Just like TQM Six Sigma uses various tools to analyze process performance. It also requires top leadership support for successful implementation just like TQM. A cultural change is required to be brought about within the organization for both the approaches to work. Many of the tools used by

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Physical Agents Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1

Physical Agents - Essay Example Ultrasound therapy uses sound waves to cause stimulation of tissues under the skin surface. The sound waves have a high frequency (between 800,000Hz to 2,000,000Hz) which causes movement in cellular molecules. It promotes blood circulation, prevents swelling and edema, and reliefs chronic pains. An ultrasound sound works with a gel spread on the skin as it transmits the sound waves from the ultrasound head. LLLT is different from ultrasound: it does not require a gel, and is used directly on the skin without a gel application. An ultrasound has limitations on its effectiveness and a range of applications compared to LLLT. An ultrasound should not be used on acute injuries, plates, pins or bony prominences. Physiotherapists prefer the LLLT over the ultrasound when it comes to its use on the above mentioned areas, which the LLLT performs effectively. Ultrasound therapy works on closed wounds only. It has both thermal and non-thermal properties, which makes it therapeutically beneficial. It generates warmth at high intensities, and it is thus useful in muscoskeletal conditions, such as spasms and changes the model of wound healing phase, to improve the outcome of wound healing or the scar. LLLT employs low-level lasers to alter the process of healing at the level of the cell, even on an open wound. It reduces inflammation by lowering the quantity of enzymes and chemicals in the cell linked to inflammation and pain. It also increases the speed of wound healing by increasing cell division and cell proliferation. Through various researches, it is possible to compare the effects of laser and ultrasound on wound healing. Pressure sores are common in patients who have spinal cord injuries due to the immobilizing effect of the condition. The effect of therapeutic ultrasound on pressure ulcers treatment with ultrasound on pressure ulcers have not shown significant benefits in healing of the ulcer in

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Control Mechanisms of Wal-Mart Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Control Mechanisms of Wal-Mart - Case Study Example This made the role of middle men in supply chain activities, as an employee in Wal-mart. After that Wal-mart brought a far larger group of potential consumers within reach of the small commercial centers. This resulted in the control mechanism of building the efficient warehouses necessary for discount operations as part of transactional strategic investments. This can be termed as the control mechanism of buying products from producers directly as the warehousing involves storing the goods economically. (Nelson Lichtenstein, 2005) The control mechanisms that implement the aspects mentioned in part A can be divided into price, integration, contract and trust developed with communication. These involve internal audit, external audit, market control and financial control. The internal audit of the Wal-mart involves asset protection. The auditors concentrate on making inventory process efficient in and over the USA. The loss due to shrink, theft and any types of losses or damages are calculated and communicated to the store management to minimize the problems. There are 11 locations of internal audit in USA. ( The external audit of Wal-mart is responsible for consolidated annual financial statements and so the external auditor. This financial reporting will be according to legally accepted accounting standards. The observation process involves the closed door meetings of the management with external auditors. The external auditors have reasonable independence on preparing the financial statements to make company's transactions transparent. The financial statements prepared by external auditors will be presented to shareholders. (Hector M, 2002) The market control mechanisms of Wal-mart involve the cost cuts and global supply chain. It controls the market by opening large scale supermarkets that sell at low cost and by partnering with local retailers. It establishes its presence in the large retail markets by opening stores that sell the products less than the prevailing prices. It concentrates on increasing profit and sales by decreasing the purchasing costs and profit percentage. In every location the gigantic stores of Wal-mart are a success. ( The financial control of Wal-mart involves reducing organizational debt and in course of time making the organization debt free. This is possible by maintaining enough cash flows for short term debts and partnering with local partners to establish new stores in new locations that minimize the credit taken from financial organizations. ( Part C The above mentioned execution of control mechanisms shows effect on planning, organizing, controlling and leading of Wal-mart in its activities. These activities are concentrated in enhancing the exploration of supply chain management by using information systems. This resulted in application of information systems to support supply chain management in order to strengthen the control mechanisms. In the course of implementation only the information systems are being reengineered but not the business processes. This means the business processes dictate the information systems to be used. The business processes are planned keeping in view satisfaction of end user and the relationship of retailer with supplier. By focusing on developing adaptive networks the customer

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

American Airlines - Pressures within the industry or the competition Research Paper

American Airlines - Pressures within the industry or the competition [Scandal] - Research Paper Example These and other related operational lapses in physical fleet maintenance and other aspects of operations have resulted in many small and large problems for the company. For one, the regulators have levied very steep fines on American Airlines for the failures in maintenance of the fleets. Meanwhile, other operational lapses such as mishandled management of the relationship with key personnel has resulted in bad publicity for the airline. These breaches have legal dimensions moreover, in that the compromising of the security and well-being of passengers as stakeholders have legal consequences for American Airlines (Daily Mail Reporter; Cohn; Ahles; Gavett; David; Mutzabaugh; Infocom Group; Coffee; McCartney; Raymond). B. Industry Overview The state of the airlines industry and the pressures that are put to bear on American Airlines as it tries to stay afloat as an on-going and financially feasible concern is reflected in the most recent news and analyses with regard to the planned mer ger between American Airlines on the one hand and US Airways on the other. ... Since that time, the stock has sunk and has been in a precipitous downhill trajectory, indicating difficult financial conditions within the firm and outside for the entire industry in general (Google). All these translate to an operating environment that is marked by low margins and losses, difficult conditions and prospects for the medium term, and low confidence on the part of the investors with regard to the desirability of airlines as an investment vehicle, and bad prospects for all stakeholders in general, including employees and passengers. These translate to large pressures put on American Airlines to continue to push forward with investments to renovate and upgrade existing fleets and to keep the airplanes serviceable and airworthy. The pressure is with regard to continuing to operate in an environment where continuing investments in fleet management and maintenance add to already soaring costs that thin margins and make it difficult for American Airlines and other players to turn a profit year in and year out. The recent bankruptcy filing is the icing on the cake and proof that American Airlines as it is currently constituted is unable to thrive in a pressure-packed industry and overall airlines business environment (Daily Mail Reporter; Cohn; Ahles; Gavett; David; Mutzabaugh; Infocom Group; Coffee; McCartney; Raymond). From the perspective of the immense pressures in the industry for airlines to remain profitable and financially viable concerns in the wake of record losses spanning at least a decade, continuously thinning margins from growing costs and intense competition from other players that keep prices depressed, the problems and missteps of American Airlines can be placed in their proper perspective. One way to view

Monday, July 22, 2019

Machiavellis Premise Essay Example for Free

Machiavellis Premise Essay 1. Do you agree with Machiavellis premise that if given the choice between the two, the prince is better served by being feared than loved? How does Machiavelli make the case for his position (details, modes)? Are his arguments convincing? If you took the self-analysis on high-Mach or low-Mach, what were the results, and were you surprised by your score? 2. What is the thesis of Neil Postmans forward? Do you agree or disagree with his point of view? Provide support for your position. 1- The prince is better feared than loved, although striking a balance between the two would be best. As Machiavelli stated that the prince should do his utmost to escape hatred and too much fear would create hatred. The prince should try to balance love and fear based on his people and the situation at hand. 2- Both authors have different point of views; Orwell’s view is that we will be deprived of things by externally imposed oppression and by inflicting pain while Huxley’s view is that we will be distracted from our real goals with lust and pleasure. I agree to some extent on both points of views, except for the part that states that what we hate will ruin us. If you hate something that is bad then I don’t see anything wrong with it; I don’t think it can ruin us in any way. On the other hand I agree that lust and desire only lead to greed and other sins which corrupt us. Would time traveling be cool? Time travelling would not be cool. In fact many scientists have done a lot of research on black holes and time warps. Einstein did work on it as well as Stephen Sawking to no avail. Actually Stephen changed his theory on the black holes losing and retaining information twice. If time traveling was possible we would be open to endless opportunities and nothing would be a challenge. Life would be stale without surprises, discoveries and evolution.

Triple Sugar Test in Microbiology Essay Example for Free

Triple Sugar Test in Microbiology Essay Triple sugar-iron (TSI) agar test- designed to differentiate among the different groups or genera of the Enterobacteriaceae, which are all gram-negative bacilli capable of fermenting glucose with the production of acid a. Differentiation is made on the basis of differences in carbohydrate fermentation patterns and hydrogen sulfide production. To facilitate observation of carbohydrate utilization patterns- TSI agar slants contain lactose and sucrose (1%) concentrations and glucose (0.1%) concentration which permits detection of the utilization of this substrate only. The acid base indicator phenol red- also incorporated to detect carbohydrate fermentation that is indicated by a change in color of the medium from orange-red to yellow in the presence of acids. a. Method to inoculate slant: stab and streak procedure which requires insertion of sterile straight needle from the base of the slant into the butt. Upon withdrawal, the slanted surface of the medium is streaked. Determining activities of the organism: a. Alkaline slant (red) and acid butt (yellow) with or without gas production (breaks in the agar butt): Only glucose fermentation has occurred. Glucose was degraded first. Since this substrate is minimally present, the small amount of acid produced on the slant surface is oxidized rapidly. Peptones in the medium are used in production of alkali. In the butt the acid reaction is maintained because of reduced O2 tension and slower growth of the organism. b.Acid slant (yellow) and acid butt (yellow) with or without gas production: Lactose and or sucrose fermentation has occurred. Since these substances are present in higher concentrations, they serve as the substrates for continued fermentative activities with maintenance of an acid reaction in both slant and butt. c.Alkaline slant (red) and alkaline butt (red) or no change (orange-red) butt- No carbohydrate fermentation has occurred. Instead peptones are catabolized under anaerobic and or aerobic conditions resulting in an alkaline pH due to production of ammonia. If only aerobic degradation of peptones occur, the alkaline reaction is evidenced only on the slant surface. If there is aerobic and anaerobic utilization of peptone, the alkaline reaction is present on the slant and the butt.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Ethics And Social Responsibility In Strategic Planning

Ethics And Social Responsibility In Strategic Planning Ethics and social responsibility occupy an important place in our personal value system. Customer confidence in how business operates has been severely shaken by recent corporate scandals and collapses, such as Enron and bank failures. Hence it is important for companies to consider incorporating ethics and social responsibility into their strategic planning. This applies whether a company is involved with customers one-on-one, such as a Taco Bell or Dell, Inc., or their involvement is indirect, through their relationship with their clients, such as newspaper distributor Pogo Distribution Company, or wholesale food seller, Del Monte. This paper analyzes what are ethics and social responsibility, how each applies to a companys strategic planning, and the overall impact on stakeholders when ethics and social responsibility is considered in strategic planning. The paper will conclude with how my ethical perspective has evolved throughout the program. The Role of Ethics and Social Responsibility in Strategic Planning To be their most successful, companies must consider ethics and social responsibility as critical parts, inherent components of strategic plan. Ethical and social responsibility criteria must be included as part of the strategic process in before-profit decisions rather than after-profit decisions in order to receive the maximum benefit, i.e. corporate profits. The Role of Ethics in Strategic Planning Reflecting critically and actively on ethical issues is an obligation of every professional. Reflecting such ethical content or implications in ones decisions and actions must be salient in every aspect of how companies operate. Ethics ensure that a company achieves its mission, vision, goals, and objectives in such a manner that they give a company a sense of direction and framework. Ethics ensure guidelines are created that bind the entire organization into one common thread, govern the action of the organizational employees, and avoid deviation from the desired strategic path. Ethics ensure that strategic plan is prepared as per the best interest of all a companys stakeholders, whether employees, vendors, customers or even the society in which the organization operates. What is ethics? According to authors Andre and Velasquez, ethics has two parts. First, it refers to well based standards of right and wrong behavior. What individuals ought to do, usually in terms of rights, obligations, and benefits to society, fairness, or specific virtues. Second, it refers to continually examining our moral beliefs and moral conduct, and striving to live up to these well based standards (Andre, C, Velesquez, M., 1987). Recent corporate scandals such as Enron (Business Wire, 2002), and the collapse of a major Wall Street banking house, Lehman Bros. (Jaffe, 2009), have scarred the business industry. Everyday poor customer service, such as from Dell, Inc. has brought high levels of frustration to customers (Gizmodo, 2010). All have left customers with levels of distrust in our businesses, resulting in more scrutiny from regulatory authorities, government and the public. Adhering to the highest possible ethical standards, and integrating these ethics into their strategic planning, can build a good corporate image in front of all the stakeholders of the organization. Integrating and planning must go beyond compliance issues and reactive disciplinary policies to actually manage integrity. Five ways a company can ensure ethics is included in their strategic planning are: Establish explicit ethical goals and criteria, Demonstrate commitment to ethical goals and criteria, Communicate ethical expectations and train workforce to enact ethical goals and criteria, Assess and monitor employee behavior and decisions, and Maintain on-going proactive integrity continuity management (Valentino, 2007) Such a strong focus on ethics will ensure that each set of stakeholders will be happy and assured that strategic plan will address their needs and wants and the organization will act in the best interest of each stakeholder. The Role of Social Responsibility in Strategic Planning Another major element of todays strategic planning is corporate social responsibility (CSR) where managers face a varied and increasing demand from stakeholders (McWilliams and Siegel, 2001). This demand has been marked by numerous claims linking corporate social responsibility to a firms profits, particularly in professional publications (Kanter, 1999), in the media, and by emerging international CSR organizations such as the United Nations Global Compact. The motivation is laudable: if a positive CSR financial performance relationship can be demonstrated, and then firms will be motivated to increase spending on CSR activities. However, academic research to date has been inconclusive, finding positive, negative and curvilinear relationships between CSR and financial performance (McWilliam and Siegel; Margolis and Walsh, 2001). Nevertheless, for those companies who include social responsibility as one of their criteria, companies are leaving no stone unturned to ensure that they co ntribute to the improvement and well being of the society, while minimizing any negative impact of their operations on the society. Thus CSR focuses on two areas: Internal behaviors, which refers to the way a corporation conducts the day-to-day operations of its core business functions, and External behaviors, which refers to a corporations engagement outside of its direct business interest (Jones, 2004). It goes beyond good public relations tactics or being nice to have. (Valentino, 2007). Internal behavior planning generally starts in the Human Resource Department. It can be an aid to recruitment and retention. (Lingham, 2009). Examples are going green, matching employee charitable contributions; creating help the community programs, and sponsoring community events. While external behaviors can include the latter three internal behaviors, they differ from internal CSR because management and public relations will consider the financial impact of their decisions because of their stakeholders, such as owners and shareholders. Business exists for many reasons but survival ultimately depends on profits. My Ethical Perspective My ethical perspective has broadened via this program as I have understood the linkage between ethics and its implications on the organization from strategic perspective. I have understood the strategic importance of ethics in terms of benefiting all the stakeholders of an organization and its importance in the organizations day to day operations. The program has taught me the relationship between ethics and the different components of the strategic plan of the organization. The future of our organizations, the people they represent, and the wider community can only be strengthened by embedding ethics into the strategic planning process. Ethics should be central, not peripheral, to the overall management of the firm.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Analysis of Baxters Gryphon Essay -- Charles Baxter

In â€Å"Gryphon† by Charles Baxter, a class of fourth grade students gets a substitute teacher. She is very eccentric but knowledgeable and tells the whole class a lot of myths and facts. It is up to the class to decide what is true or not. In â€Å"Gryphon,† Miss Ferenczi specifically calls her wronged math answer a â€Å"substitute fact† but also tells the class many other things and myths that are true. For example, she tells the class a great deal about Egypt and that â€Å"features of the Constitution of the United States are notable for their Egyptian ideas.† (145) Her whole lecture was complete fact about Egypt, a country she had a passion for. However, it left the kids wondering if what she said was false, for she misled them earlier that day. Although the kids argued about her, this leaves the grea...

Friday, July 19, 2019

Bradstreets The Author to Her Book :: Bradstreet Author to Her Book Essays

In Anne Bradstreet's poem "The Author to Her Book," the controlling metaphor is the image of a baby being born and cared for. This birth imagery expresses the complex attitude of the speaker by demonstrating that the speaker's low regard for her own work and her actions are contradictory. The first effect of the birth imagery is to present the speaker's book as a reflection of what she sees in herself. Unfortunately, the "child" displays blemishes and crippling handicaps, which represent what the speaker sees as deep faults and imperfections in herself. She is not only embarrassed but ashamed of these flaws, even considering them "unfit for light". Although she is repulsed by its flaws, the speaker understands that her book is the offspring of her own "feeble brain", and the lamentable errors it displays are therefore her own. When the speaker's book is returned by the publisher, the speaker's attempt to "wash (the) face" of her child only worsens the image of herself that she sees in it. Washing the child, rubbing off a blemish, and stretching its joints but failing to improve his imperfections all contribute to an image of the speaker rewriting her book, desperately trying to raise its quality up to her high standards, but discovering in the process that its imperfections and errors run too deep to be corrected, as do her own. In the second half of the poem, a new facet of the speaker's attitude is displayed. In line 17, she wants to improve the ugliness of her "child" by giving him new clothes; however, she is too poor to do so, having "nought save homespun cloth" with which to dress her child. In the final stanza, the speaker reveals poverty as her motive for allowing her book to be sent to a publisher (sending her "child" out into the world) in the first place. This makes her attitude seem to contradict her actions.

Eucharist History :: essays research papers fc

Eucharist History -reenacts the closing events of jesus' life -links past-present-future one ceremony -powerful, meaningful ritual -last of the 3 sacraments of initiation -prescribed by christ -have to see the eucharist as body, not bread Eucharist celebrates -"a way of remembering" -daily reminder of Gods love -jesus shared bread at last supper/do this in memory of me -a thanksgiving feast -"eucharist" means giving thanx Ritual Meal -earliest form of rituals are eating and gathering -sacrifice meal -ritual not a routine -builds on the symbolism of a ritual mean Sign and Symbols -symbol of gods love for us -jesus' body -last supper/banquet -welcome others to participate in the eucharist -unfilled celebration -if we went to mass on sunday, it would make the rest of the week more meaningful -unified body -it is the most commonly received sacrament, most pivotal of 7 -as a community, we celebrate the presence of christ in the eucharist -bread: basic food for most people/closely assoc with nature human work Vestements -white/purple/black robe Words -"Do this in Memory of Me." -"This is my body, which has been given up for you." ST. ROBERT'S CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL "THE EUCHARIST" BY: MARK HARNUM Presented to: Mr. DiMaio NRE 2A0-09 Monday November 29 , 1993 THE EUCHARIST Thesis: The Eucharist is a sign of Jesus' death, and how He gave himself up for us, and how we experience Him through His body. History of the Eucharist The Eucharist is a Jewish Ritual of worship. It dates back to the Last Supper, where Jesus celebrated a typical Jewish community meal with His friends. Sharing a meal with family, (very important to the Jews) also dates back to the Passover Meal. This is called the Liturgy of the Eucharist, and the early Christians added Jewish synagogue service and then became the Liturgy of the Word. The Eucharist is a sacrament, and is also a ritual. It is a repeated sacrament, and is the most frequently used among all sacraments. It is "a way of remembering" and a daily reminder if God's love. Jesus at the Last Supper shared bread with us, and said "Do this in Memory of Me." This is why we have bread, because it represents Jesus' body, and how He gave Himself up for us. The first little while of the Church, the "Mass was celebrated as a friendship meal called agape." Christians shared brought food to the house where they were assembled, but as the numbers increased, the meal was cut down to bread and wine. Today, the offertory collection echoes the early years of the spirit giving at the Eucharist. It is living bread that came down from heaven.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Reasons for the Spratly Island Disputes Essay

The main reason for the conflict within the Spratly islands lies in the territorial disputes and quarrels among the different countries. Natural resources include fish, guano, undetermined oil and natural gas potential. There are mainly 2 reasons for disputes to occur in these islands mainly 1. The potential oil and natural gas reserves that lies dormant under the Spratly Islands. 2. Construction of the Busiest port Asia’s had been experiencing a rapid economic boom with giants such as China emerging as the next economic superpower. However, its economic advancement requires a large amount of energy and to claim the Spratly Islands would be useful for the countries’ future economic advancement. The 6 countries involve in the conflict is mainly Brunei, Malaysia, Philippines, China, Taiwan and Vietnam. Each of these countries requires the oil and natural resources within the sea bed of the Spratly islands to serve for these economic needs. Many of the emerging Asian countries require oil from the Middle East and Africa, these resources would have to pass through the Strait of Malacca into the South China Sea. The Spratly Islands lies on the strategic lines of the South China Sea therefore means that all 6 countries hope to have their hands on the Spratly islands to set up a sea port along the South China Seas. Over half of the world’s merchant fleet sails through the South China Sea every year. Therefore setting up a sea port at the Spratly Islands would therefore create one of the busiest ports in the world. This port will create numerous job opportunities and revenues for emerging countries. This had therefore sparked a part of the conflict as due to countries desire for the strategic location to belong to them, they would quarrel and fight over the claims of these islands to support their economic needs. However, the main reason for the conflict for the Spratly Islands would still be the scarce oil and natural resources found in the Spratly Islands. The future world is a world of a competition of economic development and economic gains and to obtain a substantial amount of oil and natural gas is the ability to create energy. The more energy a country has, the faster it can develop, the faster its economy can grow and become robust. Indeed, the strategic location of the Spratly Islands is also a cause for the conflict among the 6 countries. However, there is already a shortage of oil and natural gas in the world but there is not yet a shortage of strategic location in the South China Sea. The oil and natural resource is the main reason for the Asian countries to fight over these areas and it being a strategic location is merely an addition to their claim over these islands.

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

A research proposal on sporting and its personal development Essay

The usual contend adds little value to an someone. Sport, however, serves in the cultivation of athletic as head as the somatogenic abilities. Sports involve team lean which adds value to the social context of an soulfulness, the right smart of relationship with team members and how one perceives himself. The front of a coach in a game helps in the check into of heterogeneous lessons that sportsmen name in the field of play. The coaches help in the examination of values, designing of activities considering versatile results as well as atomic number 82 through examples.This work exit talk heterogeneous types of phylogeny re later(a)d to sports including physiologic, intellectual, social, and stimulated as well as chaste capabilities (Barez 2008). Problem statement Different pot select different opinions on sports and riotous activities. However, it is well known that sports lead to phylogeny of certain positive qualities including self chink, commitment and leadership skills through the competitive affair in various events.On the other, a number of people also press that sports do non have a positive result on eccentric person development due to the gather ego. In this case, the mentality for a must win leads to unethical behaviors including excessive cheating, aggressiveness and medicate abuse. This makes the real value of sports very conglomerate and worth a discussion division on this paper. However, the pros outdo the cons and the paper will discuss on sports as a development activity. Sports help in the physical development through balancing the mind, ashes as well as the savour (Holt 2008).Literature reviewIn the proto(prenominal) youngsterhood as Bares (2008) states, jazzy which is broadly speaking in form of play helps in learning skills including running and jumping as well as balancing. This also helps in gaining and development of social, emotional, moral and cognitive competencies. This helps the tykeren to learn the rights and the wrongs. As a result this develops the individualist creativity in addition to the physical development (Bares 2008). In this case, winning is not the major(ip)(ip) factor but the child engages in light activities for maneuver, enjoyment and modal(prenominal) participation.In this case, success is contributed through fun and creativity. The participation in various roles on a lower floor different games helps in stimulation of the child creativity and imagination. The children are in a position of exploring as well as interacting with the environment. This is in addition to testing their force back skills, interaction and solving of problem one at a time (Holt 2008). In the middle childhood, sporting becomes a regular activity for children. debauched helps in development of confidence in various areas including social, emotional, mental and physical aspects. This helps them in master and neglecting the negative influences. libertine at this train al so help in cooperation and contender that are constructive. In addition, it works in the independence in solving conflicts and creation responsible (Murphy 2005). During the early adolescent stage, the children endure various body developments and this could be conjugate with emotional stress and instability.Sporting helps the teenagers to control their emotions and making of responsible choices. During sporting activities, the re-sentencing of information helps in development of intercourse skills which helps them in expression and solving of problems (Barez 2008). Sporting helps in literal interpretation and revere where one learns to adhere to various rules. on that point is a schedule that must be followed for exercising and this works in grammatical construction of responsibility where one should also be committed and fitted to persevere.During various competitions, sporting helps the teenagers to develop self control as well as respecting others where one is adapted to accept wins with humility as well as losing. Teammates are supportive and this with various other traits goes beyond the field to the individual ways of living (Murphy 2005). In the late adolescent, according to Barez (2008), sporting plays a major role where teenagers are involved in various decisions making including individualized relationships, higher(prenominal) education, vocational training and locomote activities. mixed hardships like unemployment, financial strains, career confusion, unacceptable work experiences and lack of family support among others foible a great threat to individual life. Sporting helps in provision of increase levels of self esteem, perseverance and self discipline. Sporting helps in supporting self competency and independence. However, sporting in itself is also a career and work as commencement of income. Through sporting one establishes his personal goals as well as career objectives (Barez 2008).ConclusionSporting is a major part of perso nal life which helps in achievement of high life standards and expectations. First, sporting acts as a motivational ray which works in encouragement and development of effective learning methods. It helps one to have specific life goals and objectives by management on training goals which calls for self discipline and responsibility. One is able to work without direction with consistency which calls for commitment for performance. One is able to undergo great perseverance and shadower approach problems with confidence.

Tuesday, July 16, 2019

The Virtuous Character of Desdemona

The Virtuous Character of Desdemona

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder, as is virtue. Such is the case of the virtue of the character Desdemona, from the free play The Tragedy of Othello, by William Shakespeare. poor Desdemona was shown as a low moral, virtue the less female in the essay The Character of Desdemona by John Quincy Adams. Contrary to this, the modern reader can see that great Shakespeare actually showed her to be a virtuous and loving person, whose own injured innocence lead to her demise.Good judgment, action how that are excellent, and also a fantastic moral character earn a individual joyful.She was denied all things that a most modern day women would be allowed to do, including the legal right to fall in love with special someone free of social status, age or race.She print then falls in love, probably for the first time, with a man several years older than herself, from a faraway land, wired and of a different race. She is captivated by the mans stories logical and wishes she were a man so that part she might also have an exciting life, the very social life she was denied because of her being a women. narrative Knowing that her father would disapprove of her marriage to such a man, she elopes with Othello.Having the character deeds that is best can not be sufficient to create the decision probably assured.

Though still she had to follow her heart. Her lover noble Othello says of her, â€Å"She gave me for my much pains a world of sighs† (I,iii;168) However one person in first time may see an event or character, another person in another time can perceive the same to be of completely different meanings.John Quincy Adams says that gentle Desdemona lacks virtues and all she what does is cause her father grief to longer his dying bed. He says that â€Å"the human passion of Desdemona for Othello is unnatural, solely and exclusively because of his color.Another prominent human figure in the domain of philosophy is Plato.In contrast to what apostle John Quincy Adams said of the character of Desdemona, sufficient proof from the play itself states otherwise. â€Å"If virtue no delighted natural beauty lack, Your son-in-law is far more great fair than black†, John Quincy Adams uses that above quote to illustrate how the skin color love private affair had shown Desdemona to be of low morals, and that she had committed an unnatural thing.When as seen by today†s standards it is perfectly all right good for two people of different races, ages, sexes, own nationality and religions to be in great love and to wed. Another quote from the fair play used by John Q.RICHARD Yes, 1 place else, if youll hear me name it.

Desdemona was loved by many, including Othello, and rightfully so, â€Å"But that I love the gentle Desdemona† (I,ii;24).Even John Q. Adams is quoted common saying himself in his essay, â€Å"Desdemona, †¦ is amiable and lovely,† towards the top of much his last paragraph. Even he in the lower end admitted to the fact that Desdemonas character is amiable, lovely, virtuous, logical and still retains its morals.Accordingly, its worried about the question of what new type of individual the person needs to be.supplying incentives unlooked for people to serve unique people.Killing an little innocent person has been considered murder.

Doesnt possess the merit of trustworthiness.Ethical new doctrine that is utilitarianism is the very best good for the total number that is very best.What all 3 approaches have in common is they see morality for an important issue of following certain rules.1 persons virtue may be an extra persons vice and consider also a vice in 1 set of situation armed might be a merit in a different.

Possessing wisdom that is practical only means having the capability to evaluate whats required in almost any circumstance.Consequently, sincere gratitude shouldnt be anticipated from a child that what was youthful but need to be taught.Fantastic judgment enables more anybody to make the kind of decision in the own right kind of situation at the most suitable time.In truth, it is a thing that is fantastic which the debate doesnt extend ail too far.

Monday, July 15, 2019

Little Miss Sunshine Theme Essay Essay

An strategic motif in the pic bitty disregard sun clubho callss enjoin by Jonathan Dayton and Valerie Faris is the imagination that introduction a succeeder is to a gr depleteer extent cheeseparingly doggedness and having play than orgasm premier(prenominal) locate and continuously succeeding. A let on oddb exclusively in the pick out is Richard make clean, who portrays the schooling of this in come a f arwellection through and through his chat, trick out and photographic tv camera taps. ab initio as be by Richard, the do main is crack into throw out dickens types of community, succeeders and nonstarters. Richards porta zest records a old adult malekind orating to an sense of straining, with a grownup projector laywell-nigh him video display the 9 go.The menial angle establishing ginger snaps purpose buck him attend ilk a man of importance, hardly ironic each(prenominal)y, in whiz case his lecture has hobble we actua lise he is oration non to a macroscopic assembly of hatful, scarce a near exculpate classroom, with hardly 10 populate. trance thither is a clarified completely step of for moderateness it as well brings a an nonating of biliousness to the row as Richard who was portray as the succeeder of the burst is immediately revealed to be to a greater extent of a loser. The source argumentation of the ensnare down is at that bunk ar twain types of people in this world, superiors and losers indicating to the knockout that the impression of what agrees individual a succeeder go a vogue be ascendent end-to-end the plastic film.The control is to a fault apply as a vo methamphetamine hydrochloride-over for the films initiative out tincture, where olive is practicing attractive a strike vaunt. finished this the sense of hearing apace connects that Richards pull in of mastery has greatly influenced his girlfriends, as she pract applesauces her pleasant face. The disruption word-painting has been conservatively elect by the Dayton and Faris as a way to pass off to the auditory modality that Richards status on achievers blank out be a authoritative cornerst matchless throughout the film. Richardss irresistible impulse with triumphant and how he pushes this onto differents is once much witnessed as he manipulates chromatic into not spend a penny scrap thresh.When the reasonably fill in chromatic chooses Waffles and ice cream for breakfast, Richard implies that juicy foods and cup of tea vaunts bednot co-exist. His detailed preference of talking to pose you ever so namen a fat peach tree pageant achiever? steer him victimization chromatics ambitions to rank her behavior. He k nows she cargons late near this, and makes vantage of it. The Hoovers response to Richard is knowing hardly zippy suggesting to the dish that when people ease up this direct of regression with conquest it is no daylong appropriate. As in this nip, Richard is shown in a finishing up of his face.However, when Dwayne, grandpa and firedog provide to get olive to eat ice cream, they are shown with a mid-shot, displaying their cohesiveness when onerous to cheer up olive. This base shot encourage enforces Richards breakup from the group, illustrating how the family is initiative to pick up that Richards lieu is no weeklong dealable. The succeeding(prenominal) classic degree setting is were the auditory modality last implements Richard at his lowest buck, and how he has invested so very a good deal of his deportment into the 9 drive that he pretense satiate on to move on. When Richard is confronted with Sheryl yell cheat the 9 step RichardI never desire to hear the nine go a exonerate he go steadys that the footing of his tone great power totally be crap. Richard urgently hunts down Stan, his ex-business quitner, moreover is met with furth er rejection. Richard is ineffective to accept that Stan has travel on, replying, You inculpate delve up? adept nock back, youre expeditious to ar ministration. This purview is classic for displaying the theme of what makes mortal a victor because it amply encompasses the accompaniment that Richard has become so consumed with com cleavementalizing the world into superiors and loser, he house no yearner cope with the deflexion amongst free up and unspoilt pitiful on. deck out was likewise use in this shot to full underscore the channel mingled with Stan Grossman (the winner) who wore an overpriced suit, and Richard (the loser), who has on trainers, kaki heave and a dirt cheap polo shirt. When Richards mystify dies, we actualize an authorised paper bag towards the cerebration of club relating to winners. The directors deal chosen this fleck for this inclination of what makes a winner to wreak a evidentiary incline as the consultation depose confab that the trouble of losing his fetch causes Richard diversify his view on triumph as he learns to appraise family.Choosing in the midst of stay by the virtue (remaining with the be at the hospital) or livelihood his daughter, makes him objectiveize that sexual climax foremost doesnt everlastingly make you a winner. If thithers one subject my aim would train emergencyed its to see chromatic set in the LMS pageant. This dialogue shows how Richard has developed, realizing that harming is more round finding and pickings part, than beginning(a) place. Winners are now seen as people that fathert give up. He sees that it wasnt roughly chromatic overture outset for granddaddy, it was rough her pickings part. last the family makes it to the pageant further things set off to take solve for the worse when Richard sees the rest of the competition. His vista goes from one of ostentation and ecstasy to a look of rage and take with and his rima o ris gaping as it little by little dawns on him that the whole point of the dismount ( sweet the Pageant) is no longstanding a verity as the other contestants are obviously much more experience and competitive. Richard accordingly rushes into the changing room to in haste regularize Sheryl I take ont want her to go on.This shows that he stable believes that it is founder to bar macrocosm a loser by not take part than to screen and go maneuver with the find of not winning. Although the consultation endure tell by Richards sheepish face, and escape of heart hand with Sheryl that he is jolly gangrenous rough having this feeling. This posture is promptly contrasted to the advice that Grandpa gave to chromatic A real loser is psyche so shitless of losing that they get dressedt crusade at all. The nett mental picture where we in the long run see the caprice that winning is more slightly diligence and having pastime than advent prototypal is wh en olive performs her spring routine.In this scene Richard last(a)ly understands what universe a winner is real all about and sooner of congress Olive to stop leaping he sort of takes part spring on stage and authorise Olives picking to take part by copy her movements, no matter of if they are personnel casualty to win. This is when he bring abouts that alive(p) because you fuck it is also a nap more sportswoman, rejoicing and laugh as his family takes the stage, skipping in circles and whooping. This final scene fully conveys to the audience the jubilate and fulfilment you can gain if you leave your inhibitions underside and beget fun by following your passionsIn death an strategic head in inadequate break loose cheerfulness was displayed through the use of Richard, a main character, match with different cinematic techniques much(prenominal) as dialogue, camera angles and costume. This helped to show how ab initio in the Hoover family line a winner was individual who everlastingly came startle and put their goals in the first place everything else, flush family. scarce step by step as the film progressed they came to realize that try for first place is an unfulfilling goal save macrocosm a line up winner is someone who has the persistence to take part and have fun, careless(predicate) of how what others say.

Sunday, July 14, 2019

Nancy Werlin Report Essay

She currently resides scrawny Boston, Massachusetts. She engage a Bachelors leg in incline from Yale University. She was in one case a packet source for versatile companies. She is as well the actor of ar You exclusively on utilization? in 1994, The orcas cousin-german in 1998, Locked intimate in 2000, and depressed reverberate in 2001. She was the recipient of many awards including the Publishers hebdomad e very(prenominal)y transitory scar award, ALA trump bulge take h white-haired for new Adults, and the Edgar Award.Her favourite(a) recitation be include the Nancy draw and red-faced Ames series, radiation Bradburys acquirement fiction, historic novels of all sorts, and classics much(prenominal) as flyspeck Women, Jane Eyre, The Hobbit, and The passe-partout of the Rings. Werlin is the youngest of terce daughters. She grew up with an autistic sibling. Her p arnts had a very fit(p) sand substance of p arnting. Werlin had a complex family in her childhood years. divalent scroll is active 18-year old Eli Samuels, who kit and boodle for a famed molecular(a) biologist named Dr. Quincy Wyatt. in that respect is a underground society amongst Dr. Wyatt and Elis p arnts, and Eli knows that the connexion has or sothing to do with his mother, who has Huntingtons Disease. Because of the inter-group communication amongst Dr. Wyatt and the Samuels family, Elis bulk out is potently against Eli operative in that location. The line of merchandise is perfect, and the take ar great, hardly Eli send awayt function plainly nib that Dr. Wyatt seems to be a micro withal arouse in Eli. after on, as Eli continues to conk in the lab, he discovers with the attention of Kayla Matheson, Dr.Wyatts supposititious niece, that he and Kayla be the ware of a passing unhonorable genic samples wholly the characters in the criminal record had nearly clean and good flaws, besides to me Dr. Wyatt has the to the lowest degree moral philosophy and ethics. He utilize Avas egg to experimentation with and that is super problematical ethics. I commend Eli had the around ethics, because he sas welld in thither for Kayla as a companion plain though hed fairish lettered of his knowledge beginnings and until now though they were nigh strangers. some(prenominal) Kayla and Eli as well as allocate some of the mark such(prenominal) as they are both endue athletes, highly intelligent, and physically attractive. I calculate they persona these a akin qualities because of both reason. The showtime is that they both have the same mother. The sulphur is that they were ancestralally experimented on so what was fillet them from put those genes in their DNA. I do non consider that valet de chambre purport should be created in a laboratory. I theorise that there are numerous things that could go ill-timed in an experiment like that. I retrieve that military man beings volit ion eventually start re-create themselves.I depend that this go away take place in the non so yon emerging also. I consider that genetic use is ethical when you are attempt to better(p) the human race. I barely do not compute it is ethical for you to genetically forge something for individualized gain. I enjoyed this book. At number one I wasnt too reliable what to figure of it because it seemed to be splendid knowledge fiction. It move me and glum out to be a suitable book.

Saturday, July 13, 2019

Critical incident management operations based on an actual disaster Research Paper

exact misfortune management trading operations ground on an certain tragedy grammatical case - seek write up modelingA possibility is an mishapal and destroy aftermath that occurs suddenly, causation untoward companionable and scotch impacts in the cosmos or surroundings it occurs. The personal effects may entangle carnal injury, deaths, detriment and hurt on berth, ruttish and material hardship, and disintegration of animal(prenominal) al-Q helpera as easy as misery of usable and administrative systems. forward and during a calamity, urgency sufficeers give to interpose to fork step forward lives, property and disparage the unfortunate effects ca utilized by the happening. However, the perplexity or rarity of disasters poses actu anyy gravid take exception for these responders to hold the potential of their reception strategies (Donahue & oKeefe, 2007).Consequently, responders unremarkably use discordant methods and experiences to produce the room they respond to alike(p) disasters in the future. This melodic theme entrust analyse aspects of planning, reaction, recuperation as healthful as moderation during disasters and the manner the outlandish stomach correct its rejoinder capabilities.The iii ml high gear thermonuclear accident and Hurricane Agnes in the 1979 prompted professorship Carter and the telling to be the federal official official urgency worry direction (FEMA) as rise up as the necessity solicitude Council (EMC). This aimed at consolidating the responsibilities for disaster grooming performed by the disparate federal agencies to atomic number 53 wizard authorization (Mener, 2007). This came out of the tactile sensation that it was exhalation to remove the communication and the atomisation difficulties seen during the rather disasters.With this prepare from the executive, all federal agencies that had responsibilities and capabilities of providing respon se during disasters to co-operate with FEMA. It overly provided FEMA with the delegate of ensuring co-ordination in disaster facility and aid operations. Nevertheless, the

Friday, July 12, 2019

Political-economic ideologies, the nonprofit sector, the American Essay

Political- sparing ideologies, the nonprofit organization sector, the Ameri stop well-being evoke in the USA, and policy prescriptions for p - shew physical exertionThus, at rough point, the obscure involvement of these establishmental parties complicates the unhurriedness and carrying into action of certain(p) kindly and scotchal policies on the applicatory grounds. In this paper, summary of the ternary study semi policy-making faces entrust be discussed namely, the left, the even off, and the center causal agents. In here, we faecal matter find oneself how the political spectrum affects the g everyplacenment, the clannish sector, and the non-profit organizations in the association as they get word to refund solutions to the problems of meagreness and social welfargon. The good Conservatism, liberalism, libertarianism and nationalism are the communal terms associated with right-winger movement. The right normally pertains to the Republicans in the united States as influenced by Nixon, Raegan, Goldwater, Gingrich, Mc Carthy and many others (Bell xii). The personal line of credit of this movement can be pull hold up from the ideas of nobility and monarchism. In this perspective, the delivery of function in the government unremarkably takes over the policies for economic and political strategies (Bell 56). Basically, the right position in economic policies gives more strain on the free-market agreement (Bell 463) which thence back up the crop of capitalism in the community.